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5 Tips on How to Make the Most of Your Dishwasher


Dishwashers aren’t cheap, and when you make an investment that big, you need to get value for money as well. However, if this is your first time getting a dishwasher for your home, there are some tips that will prove invaluable for you; since they will help you make the most of your dishwasher. These tips will not only make your dishwasher last longer, but will also help you save energy as well.

So here are the 5 tips on how to make the most of your dishwasher:

1.     Check Your Filter Regularly

There are lots of dishwashers in the market that come with self-cleaning filters, and if you have this feature, you should ensure that you clean out the filter once a month. This is important because when dishwashers have to clean heavy loads every week, a lot of dirt and grime can get stuck in it. You can easily check the instructions on the manual for cleaning the filter, and this way you will be able to remove debris that would be stuck in your dishwasher and cause it to work less effectively.

2.     Clean the Sprayer Arms

If your dishwasher has got sprayer arms, then you need to ensure that they are clean at all times. There are small holes in the sprayer arms, which can easily get debris, gunk, and particles stuck in them. It is important that you clean them out so that your dishwasher can work effectively. All you have to do is follow the instructions, remove the arm from the dishwasher, and clean it in warm, soapy water. Make sure that you clean the sprayer arms at least once a week, so that your get the most out of them.

3.     Use Water at the Correct Temperature

In order to make the most of your dishwasher you need to ensure that you’re using the correct water temperature. This will ensure that you don’t end up burning or melting any components of the dishwasher, and you can do that by checking the recommended temperature in the manual. If you repeatedly expose your dishwasher to hot temperatures it will lead to damage over the long-term, and replacing damaged parts on a dishwasher can be expensive.

4.     Manage Rust

In order to ensure that your dishwasher is working in optimum conditions, you need to manage the rust on it. Make sure that the metal parts aren’t rusting, even though most dishwashers these days have stainless steel parts. However, if your dishwasher has metal parts, make sure that you check for signs of rusting, to manage it before you need costly repairs.

5.     Only Wash Dishes

One way to ensure that your dishwasher doesn’t end up breaking down, make sure that you’re only washing dishes in it. Don’t try to wash all sorts of things such as vegetables, and keyboards in the dishwasher, since it is designed to wash dishes. Washing other things can either damage the parts or clog your dishwasher up, which will not allow you to make the most of your dishwasher.