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How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient with Household Appliances


Contrary to popular belief, saving energy isn’t only about cutting down on your electricity cost; it is also about managing and using your household appliances smartly. By doing so you will automatically bring down your energy bills and also prolong the life of your appliances. However, in order to make your home more energy efficient with household appliances, you may need to adopt some lifestyle changes.

So if you’re looking to save money and be energy efficient, then here are a few ways you can adopt to save money and live energy efficient with household appliances.

Energy efficient heating and cooling

You can save a lot of energy by turning down your thermostat and keeping the heating of your home on a low temperature constantly. It is much smarter than turning your HVAC system on and off, and you can also set specific times for your HVAC system to work. You can also start wearing more warm clothing inside the home, so that you aren’t tempted to crank up the temperature.

Get efficient with cooking

You can start stocking up and save time, and this will allow you to not keep your oven working the entire time, while you can also heat up your home by leaving the oven door open when cooking. You can also save a lot of energy and help your refrigerator by keeping it stacked full at all times. Empty space in your fridge wastes space and energy as well.

Energy efficiency in washing

Did you know that about 90% of the energy your washing machine uses is in heating the water? You can easily save time and money by not worrying about washing clothes in hot water. You should instead of tumble drying and air dry your laundry instead, if the weather is warm and sunny. You can also save yourself a lot of ironing  by not letting the laundry completely dry out. Take the laundry out of the dryer before its completely dry, and you will iron much faster and use less energy.

Energy efficiency with electricity

Simply unplug all the appliances you don’t use on a regular basis, as they will continuously use electricity if they are plugged in, even if you’re not using them. Make sure that you don’t leave your appliances on standby, since that is still wasting energy. You can get your kids to start saving energy by turning off appliances that they’re not using and switching off the lights when they’re not in their room.

Energy efficiency for the home

You can convert your entire home into an energy efficient home with the help of free cavity wall insulation, so that will insulate your home properly. It will also help you bring down your electricity and heating costs, while getting solar panels installed in your home is also a great idea. Make sure that all the appliances in your home are energy efficient, so that you don’t waste any electricity and also save energy at the same time.